Matthys has been practicing yoga since 2002 and started teaching following his teacher’s training course in 2006. He had his own studio, Yoga Revolution, in Moreletapark from 2008 to 2012, after he joined Yoga Circle and MOVE Yoga closer to home. He deems breath and transition between static postures to be of fundamental importance, and focuses his classes on correct alignment and body awareness.
Matthys beoefen joga sedert 2002 en het begin klasgee na voltooiing van sy opleidingskursus in 2006. He het sy eie studio, Yoga Revolution, bestuur in Moreletapark vanaf 2008 tot 2012, waarná hy weer Yoga Circle en MOVE Yoga nader aan sy huis aangesluit het. Hy ag asemhaling en oorgang tussen statiese posture as van fundamentele belang, en fokus sy klasse op korrekte belyning en liggaamsbewustheid.