Posts In: Events

Rugpyn en Rug Werkswinkel

January 14, 2018

Anatomie van die werwelkolom
Hoofspiergroepe van belang itv rugpyn
Algemene areas betrokke by rugpyn
Algemene oorsprong van rugpyn
Voorgestelde holistiese benadering tot rugpyn

Drie ure werkwinkel 25 Februarie 2018, 14:00 – 16:00


Kontak Ina Fourie: 082-467-2375

Energy sounds very esoteric but how often do we use this word?

“I don’t have the energy for that”!

Energy – physical or mental energy is what is required to move our lives from where it is to where we want it to be. It also enables us to enjoy life.
If you are an existing member that at Move Yoga, or you join before the start of the workshop, you can mention this post and receive a 50% discount on the energy enhancement workshop. Provided that you have joined with a minimum commitment period of three months.

Laughter Yoga

May 15, 2017

Laughter Yoga Workshop at Move on 27 May 9:00-10:30
Contact Ina Fourie: 082-467-2375

Dragon Dance Class

May 6, 2017

On the first of May, Colette gave a superb class themed the Dragon Dance. We sweated and moved for 50 minutes to warm up and practice all the elements separately until our bodies were ready to complete the entire series. What a great full body and mind workout, we hope to do it again soon.