Move is a contemporary yoga and air yoga studio
offering professional instruction to those seeking
balance of mind and body.


MOVE Yoga’s mission is to make yoga accessible for everybody regardless of age, health, religion, weight or any limitation the individual might experience.

We are not rigid in our approach and can meet the need of the individual or group of individuals.

We aim to keep the personal touch in Yoga.

Our intention is to create a network of Yoga Studios all over South-Africa.  These studios will all have the same standard of teaching Yoga.  The benefit of a network like this is that people know what they get similar to other “franchised” businesses.

MOVE Yoga also realises the major application of Yoga in the corporate world.  Yoga makes personal as well as business sense because it is a tool to aid the individual to reach his or her full potential – that is physically, mentally (intellectually and creatively) and emotionally.  Yoga can assist to relieve tension in the body due to long hours of sitting behind a desk.  It is an excellent tool to help you deal with every day stress.

At Move Yoga we firstly consider the need of the student and then shape the Yoga programme around the individual


Yogic practices give direct and tangible benefits to everyone regardless of their spiritual aims.

Yoga enhances health and youthfulness of body and clarity of mind.  Thus a regular practice can help to counter general physical decline due to ageing, negligent use of the body and/or the accumulation of excess tension.

Yoga is suitable for all ages and levels of fitness, as it can be a very gentle form of exercise or it can be rigorous, depending on the practitioner.  Yoga is non-competitive, which sets it apart from many other sporting and recreational activities.  It allows each person to work within personal limits.

Many forms of exercise aim to develop only the superficial muscles of the body and often neglect flexibility training.  Yoga provides a comprehensive system of exercise that stretches, strengthens, tones, helps to align and improves the health of the entire body.  According to Yoga philosophy, health is first an inner state.  This means that the health of the nerves, glands and vital organs determines how healthy a person looks and feels.


Physical and mental therapy is one of Yoga’s most important achievements.  What makes it so powerful and effective is the fact that it works on the holistic principle of harmony and unification.  Yoga has succeeded as an alternative form of therapy in diseases such as asthma, diabetes, blood pressure problems, arthritis, digestive disorders and other ailments of a chronic nature.

For most people, however, Yoga is simply a means of maintaining health and well-being in an increasingly stressful society.  Asanas remove the physical discomfort accumulated during a day at the office, while relaxation techniques help maximise the effective use of our ever-diminishing time off.  Yogic practice makes great personal and even business sense.

Find Your Balance

Yoga, like life, should be experienced and cannot be understood through the intellect alone.  Yoga will only become living knowledge through practice and experience.

Waiver and membership forms are available at the studio.
All members must complete the waiver form.

Membership Fees

All options include unlimited class attendance.

The first introductory class is free and you are welcome to book your first class with Anneke on Whatsapp at 079-692-2405

Yoga Werkswinkels

  • Anatomie van die werwelkolom
  • Hoofspiergroepe van belang itv rugpyn
  • Algemene areas betrokke by rugpyn
  • Algemene oorsprong van rugpyn
  • Voorgestelde holistiese benadering tot rugpyn

Werkswinkel word aangebied sodra daar 5 of meer besprekings is.

Kontak Anneke: 079 692 2405

Reëls en Wenke vir MOVE Joga Studio

Wees asseblief vyf minute voor die klas begin in die studio om tyd te hê om reg te maak vir die klas.   Moet asseblief nie laat kom nie.  Dit is onregverdig teenoor die ander mense in die klas en ontstig die atmosfeer in die klas.  Risiko vir ‘n besering word ook baie groter wanneer die liggaam nie behoorlik opgewarm is nie en dit gebeur tydens die eerste paar minute in die joga klas.  Dit is so dat wanneer ‘n mens laat is jy eintlik ander mense se tyd steel.

LOS ASSEBLIEF DIE SKOENE IN DIE INGANGSPORTAAL.  Die area in die lokaal word skoongehou vir almal se voordeel. Baie mense lei aan stofallergieë of asma.  Kyk ook asseblief dat u voete skoon is vir die klas.  Stort of bad asseblief INDIEN MOONTLIK voordat u ‘n klas bywoon – dit is makliker om die asanas uit te voer en ook uit konsiderasie vir die mense om jou.

Skakel asseblief u selfoon af voordat u die perseel betreë of sodra jy die ingangsportaal bereik.

Vra gerus oor die beste plek om te parkeer – ons help graag.

Daar is nie klas op publieke vakansiedae nie.

Doen asseblief die nodige betaling op die datum soos ooreengekom.  Daar is huur en ander uitgawes wat op vaste datums betaal moet word deur Move.

Koop asseblief so gou moontlik u eie joga mat aan.  Dit is meer higiënies en stel u in staat om joga op u eie by die huis te kan doen.

Besluit watter klasse u gaan bywoon en hou daarby.  Dit raak al makliker as ‘n mens in die roetine kom en bly.  Indien jy nie klasse gaan bywoon nie laat weet ons asseblief sover moontlik.

Geen onderlinge gesels, raad, aanmerkings of verduideliking van die posisies aan ander deelnemers word tydens die joga klas toegelaat nie.  Die intensie van joga is om stil te word.  Wees sensitief teenoor ander mense en hulle behoeftes.  Respekteer stilte.

Los asseblief alles wat jy saambring in die aangewysde area.  Ons poog om minimum “clutter” in die studio self te hê.

Baie dankie ons waardeer u ondersteuning– ondersteun ons asseblief met terugvoer, voorstelle hoe ons kan verbeter.  Indien jy waarde kry uit wat ons aanbied laat weet jou vriende, kollegas en familie.  Moenie huiwer om enige “negatiewe terugvoer” te gee nie.  Ons wil graag voortdurend verbeter en groei!